确实晦涩//还囊括了一种美妙的仪式感和有趣的游戏氛围//他的长镜头对我而言有种致幻效果//当角色对着镜头说话的时候我仿佛身临其境 可能我确实陷入某种幻觉//那些流浪的被放逐的无处可去的人//沉默的游弋倒是更表现了人的困境//依旧是被打断的聚会 陡然响起的枪声 又如往常的生活//这种独特的时空解读方式实在是太让人心动了
感觉有些过于追求模仿连续剧的痕迹,剧情也很简单,就像以前Micheal的一样,午夜谍影电视剧插曲你欠我有多少只是现在换作了Mike 但是当Micheal在最后出现时,还是会让人感触很多,回忆起十几年前每个周末的上午,在家守着电视看Kitt和Micheal 也许这就是这部片子给我的最大感触,对童年的怀念
Car-chase road-trip through the vast territories & counterculture of 70s America. Most of the movie consists in speeding from one point to another, while evading the authorities that try to put a stop to the journey. As such, it offers spectacular chases, freaky races and exciting stunts - all expertly filmed and set in gorgeous & empty landscapes, for our pleasure. The MC comes across a panorama of atypical people on his way, ranging from the hippie druggies to just-married queers, and from faith healers to desert snake barters. An undefinable, ungraspable, spiritual quest drives him forward, manifesting in an existential, disinterested, radical act of Rebellion - and thus, of Freedom.